The Doors of Continuing Professional Development

nida ayaz blogger ibcenglish

After a long break, I want to hold my pen on the beauty of continuing professional development 2024. As a master trainer of district Mardan I received training in RPDC Abbottabad. The cream of KPK, the great minds and Active souls were collected by the Directorate of Professional Development for this training of continuing professional development. It was such a fruitful learning platform for me to gain more knowledge through the opportunities of interpersonal intelligence. The next step was to collect the intellect of my district, the facilitators of Mardan, transfer knowledge to them and get their innovative ideas. Now at the third stage I am conducting training to the most important level and basic level of the education system, which means primary school teachers. Primary level plays the role of backbone for further academic, social, intellectual, moral and optimistic development of learners.

It’s an honor for me to update the great minds that play the role of backbone for the academic, social, intellectual and moral development of our generations. It’s important for every teacher to update their own soul and to move fast with the flow of life. I want to acknowledge the best part of CPD in 2024. It’s not only Professional development through modern teaching methods and strategies but also environmental education and gender discrimination which attract my pen to start its work.

It’s the great step of the directorate of professional development to include these important and updated topics of the globe in these training sessions. The teachers can learn and we transfer the positive vibes to the students at this level about environmental education and environmental sustainability very fruitfully and easily. Our new generation will grow with strong foundations for the smile of earth.

There are many steps that we can take as a teacher. Let’s give importance to individual teacher’s choice according to their situation and resources availability. The outcomes will be always universal for the smile of Earth. It will be from the choice of cloth bags, lunch boxes and bottle covers to the goal of plants trophies instead of plastic cups because we can bring the change of green transformation through the idea of Plants trophies in Pakistan. Individual master trainers and facilitators got this platform as a change agent to bring smiles to the face of earth. It does not matter how big or small a platform is given to you by Allah for bringing change, the only thing which matters is your quest for bringing change and learning. Another important point is self awareness through awareness of gender discrimination. My ladies are not aware of their strengths and power.CPD is playing the role of a platform for giving awareness very beautifully and systematically.

Platforms of continuing professional development include these important topics of our Globe and provide great opportunities to talk, suggest and act for the happiness of the earth and education system. It’s the appreciation of a blogger for giving awareness of gender discrimination, environmental education with professional development through the doors of continuing professional development.

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