“Leaders Become Great, Not Because of their Power, But Because of their Ability to empower others”
Who is Syed Aamir Mehmood Jafery?
Few days earlier, I attended the interactive session with one of change maker in educational sector. On a successful accomplishment of that activity the incentive was zoom meeting with the leader of inclusive education..
I was among one of those winners.Alhamdulil Allah.
The person I met through ZOOM meeting was Syed Aamir Mehmood Jafery. Who has been awarded with Tamgh-e-Imtiaz, on account of his struggles, dedications towards making education inclusively accessible!
When I was working under well known educational institution , I was only familiar with GET through our interaction meetings and workshops, but it was my dream to know about the GET as whole. That dream comes true a few days back.
Once our facilitator told us that the peoples who are willingly, actively are determined to serve this field of special education are of two kinds: either they have pain for special needs children or they have a child with special needs. After advancing, exploring and serving this field I well understand those words of my facilitator.
Education Trust is escalating educational opportunities in Pakistan the leader who is leading this institute with his energetic, passionate team is Syed Amir Mehmood Jafery.He mostly opted to work for categorically deprived families .Pakistan is comprised mainly of rural areas and almost it covers 67% of population living village lives.
GET is no doubt the one among the biggest network of education in Pakistan.
Amir Mehmood a great leadership, a multidirectional approach, distributed all his efforts, time, energies, and positive mindset towards promotion of free rural Education.
Because we know that more or less 55% of village population is living in so much poverty that education is considered lavishness to them. The fruit of success is a heading years in form of different novel , skilled projects and programs has been transformed from the no of schools from 280 to more than 700 and the students enrolled in these institutions are almost 100,000 altered from 16,000.
From 2004, GET is not only insured national and international a consistent growth through the collaboration with USAID, LUMS, TIKA and government of Pakistan. This organization has expanded not only exponentially but also financially growth to 25% over the last 12 years since 2008, under such multidirectional, transmutation visionary leadership. Exposure to most of school in completed isolated communities and attention towards them lead to design a network of solely in villages to make education accessible for everyone.
Under public private partnership GET has acquired 78 public schools from Punjab Education Institution Management in District Bhakkar and Mianwali. GET employed there quality framework of monitoring and employed qualified trained teachers.
GET is very well playing its vital role to control retention and enhancement of enrollment in the schools through OUT of SCHOOLENROLLMENT PROGRAM..There are many indicators which are barriers in this severe challenge prevailing in Pakistan.GET is serving its role very well to address all such issues.
Rural Inclusive Education Program RIEP:
* Has established in 26 child friendly schools for students with special needs .the main features of this Program are:
* Development of Resources Room for the students with special needs
* Regular visits of Psychologists
* Specifically designed teachers training works shops
* RIV+P: tailoring unit for female deaf students and computer short courses
Needy and orphan children are unable to get basic needs of life. For all such (ONSP) children GET has exclusively designed support program.
GET is progressively operating quality educational institutions have been developed for Hindu Community. Not only is this GET always working as warriors to support people affected through natural disasters.
GET always comes forward with its action support to rebuild the damaged schools during earth quakes, RE -construction of badly affected by devastated flood in 2010.
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