A “story of pearl beneath the dusts”

A “story of pearl beneath the dusts”

Umar Khan Saheer Gujjar Blogger | ibcenglish.net

is one the gijjar clan of gujjar dynadty. Theese people also spends lives like those of nomadic group with their cattle “goats”. They roams round for seasons across the area mostly in the winter days to down districts as well in summer seasons ascends to hills, means where they found Medows and large lands and hills on which grass and fodder are grown, they does their stay for the days till fertility.

The Terminology of “gujjar” has been caricatured as “destroyer of his enemy” the Arabs called them professionalists while the Englishers claimed gujjar are “family of the kings”. Any how, Gujar in Malakand division is the second most big clan after Yousafzai.

These gujars have about fifteen hundred of its tribes whereas gujjar could be found in more of its kinds, among which “goats owing tribe” is one in shape. The gujjar are found all in Asian countries and even in the major cities of Europe too. There is cities, streets & parks being named of gujjar.

Goats owing tribe of gujjar is found mostly in large numbers at Northern areas of KPK and is associated with various livelihoods.

Bakra-paal (goats owing) Gujjar says their source of livelihood is herdings. Their way of life is different from that of ordinary masses. These people travel from place to place with their livestock, where plenty of meadows, fodder and water are found.
The services of they renders to their country-men ca’nt be ignored. Like other institutions, herdings proved as backbone of country’s economic development as:-

1. Eid-ul-Adha is the one greatest event of its kind for which millions of goat and lambs are provided for this gracious event across the Ommah, while it is Goat and Lamb stands as emblem for Eid-ul-adha, an un- denyable fact, with which Eid happiness is doubles only because of these Bakra-paall (goats owing) gujjars and their hard work.

2. 1The entire country by most virtue of Peshawar renowned “Thikka hit bazar across the country, famous by “NAMAK MANDI” is visited for remembrence by people from either corner of the country specifically that the branded one “Charsi Tekka Centre” and other like thousands of hotels more.

3. Apart from this, pakistan is an agriculture country having a great Textile Industry, to which this Bakra-Paal Gujar is the only suppliers of its raw materials like Farm Manure, Skin and almost wool, like the one Industral Estate in Swat distrit, the Salampur wool industry which is most famous for woolen cloths, sheets, hats, gowery, Coats and vaistcoats etc.

4. Thanks in addition to goats and sheep skins, ie the entire leather industry is run by this useful fraction (the bakra paal gujjar) and Pakistan is in dire need of them. Any product made of skins, is sailes out with much and high valye cost like the one ” Peshawari Chapple” a branded name across the world.
This is why the whole of leather business and industry is thrilling because of these Bakra-Paal gujjar.

5. In addition to goat manure is very useful and efficient to “farms growing” and crops yeilding lands by putting its manure as urear in the fields. Thus, the farm manure is used as fertilizers, playing a pivotal role in the economic development of Pakistan.

If it looks to, Bakra-paal is a very big and very important institution like other in Pakistan,. But unfortunately the government has done nothing for these people as well for this institution yet nor even seeing, hearing, considering OR understanding their problems. It is prime need thinking something for them (the bakra-paal) clan too.They should also be given some facilities.

The Bakra-paals go to different pastures of Kalam, Uthroor, Asho, Bahrain, Madinah, Gabral, Kohistan, Patan, Kumrat, Chitral and onwards to Northern areas and upper parts of kpk in summer. Their journey starts in begining of May and lasts for about 2-month, leading to these high altitude areas for the pastures.

Bakra-Paal travels on foot for two consecutive months every year with all the problems they face along the way. Covering these issues is very difficult and indescribeable, but this clan have to bear all this silently.
A Bakra-Paal Gujjar having the herd in minimum of 150-goats and a maximum of 500-goats. They walks on different routes with herds.

As goats are animals, so it spoils the crops and orchards along the way, while owners of the crops and orchards often grab goats in ransam from these people, and thus there erupts fights on many occasion among the gujjar and the villagers.
The problems and issues of theseq,,, people are so serious that it is impossible to summarize them in one article.

It is appealed to MP’s round of the houses Provencial and National providing real base facilities to these people and clan from the floor of assemblies by the chambers of law directing Ministry as well the livestock department, rehabilitate them.

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