HALIMA SAADIA SAEED Researcher & Blogger

In Pakistan Inclusive Education is suffering Due to “Human Logo” (mother of All Barriers)………..

In Pakistan many projects had been failed or suffering due to falsification of data.

I witnessed falsification of data during the free typhoid vaccination campaign held by the Punjab Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department last month children between the age of 9 months and 15 years would be vaccinated in the selected districts under the 15-day long campaign.

I went with my friend nearby hospital to vaccinate kids .we went at free typhoid vaccination counter was displayed near an admin block, team of three lady health visitors were there to enter data, vaccinate the participants who were approaching there to be vaccinate. Only one of them asked me to verify are these children less than 15 years ONCE & all! This single question was asked from us…They did not ask for the name, sex, age, address ….all these demographics were not completed. Than how it’s possible to give exact figures of the population, who has been vaccinated from which area? Without required data and lack of -seriousness is it possible to formulate the next polices or can launch the further projects!

Corruption is a form of dishonesty or criminal offense undertaken by a person or organization entrusted with a position of authority, to acquire illicit benefit or abuse power for one’s private gain.

“Education is one of the most powerful instruments for reducing poverty and inequality” according to the World Bank (2011). “Education is equally key to enhancing Pakistan’s competitiveness in the global economy. Therefore, ensuring access to quality education for all, in particular for the poor and rural population, is central to the economic and social development of Pakistan.”

Year 2020-21, Pakistan’s public expenditure on education as a percentage to GDP is lower in the region. The general consensus is that corrupt countries tend to spend less on education because there are fewer opportunities to extract bribes within the education sector than in other sectors.

Selection of personnel would be on merit base and every designed post would be filled by selection of permanent candidate instead of additional charges. Planning and execution of task would be properly carried on rather than absence of acceptance and inclusive behaviors towards its implementation. The biggest challenge of any disability is not able to walk, the wheel chair or the pain; its ableism.

I am mourning the people with special needs who did not survive this pandemic, I am mourning the fact we live in a society that often treats these children like afterthoughts. I am mourning living in a world willing to accommodate everyone but people with special needs. Ableism is bias, is prejudice, is devaluation, is discrimination, and is bigotry. More often than not, it is international. It is harmful.

At very close range, I personally observed many things had been occurred in both inclusive education projects. Due to these and others reasons projects not succeed.

Few months back I listened to @Special Education Minister Chaudary Muhammad Ikhlaq in a live session that Government is affectively working on planning and designing pilot project of data collection about disabilities in two districts of Punjab province. It is a good sign that this government is much determined and interested making our community inclusive with their inclusive approach towards all such matters and to eradicate discrimination . Strong commitment and determination with clear vision is compulsory to process such plans and to get desired outcomes for which same road should not be taking to reach your destination. I expect right projects with right and fair team working under unbiased authority to plan, manage, and execute all the process during inclusive projects and collecting data on disabilities which are prevailing in Pakistan.

Critical factors are factors that are crucial in the decision making process. These factors play a pivotal role in determining the success or failure of a decision. The identification and implementation of critical factors will ensure the success of a decision taken by an individual.

Its 2021. Are we really still at the point where special needs children lives are considered less worthy or not worth living?


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