In a small dark room. Where you can hardly stand, a dim light hung in the middle of the room, and a tiny little window from which moonlight was passing through. A girl sat on the floor while her hands and feet were shackled with heavy chains. Her dark hair covered her bruised face, as her head hung low. Moonlight flashed over her face as she looked up, her hazel eyes shone brightly. She was looking beautiful, but her fate was not friendly with her. As she adored the full moon, she heard the sound of door opening. When she looked at the small door, a man came inside; He was one of the bodyguards of that Monster. He came and unshackled her.
“What you guys want from me now?”
The girl said furiously.
“Our Boss wants to meet you…”
The guard said straightly
They took her out of that horrible room and stood in front of a huge mansion. The guards took the girl inside and threw her on the floor in front of a lady who was sitting on the soft, comfortable couch while drinking the fresh juice which was brought by one of her maids. She wore a dark maroon lipstick, rolled the curlers in her hairs and wore a black gown. While her dark black eyes stared straight in the little girl’s eyes. It seemed like she was scanning her soul.
“What you want form me now?”
The girl questioned again.
“You know already Ash, What we want from you… Still questioning!”
“And why do you think I shall work for you…. My dear Aunt Flora”
Ash emphasized the last words of her sentence,
“And why you would not Ash….”
The lady said that coldly.
“After all the things which had happened before…. Why do you think I shall work for you or I should even trust you?”
Ash sentenced it to her Aunt who was getting angry by her every reaction. Then suddenly Flora stood up She came closer to Ash, bent down to her level and whispered in her ear.
“There are some hidden truths you still don’t know about”, Foolish girl.
“What are you talking about?”
She signaled to her guards and two of them went out. While Ash looked at all the maids, who were apparently looking terrified. Surely Flora had threatened them too, what else was she good at. Ash thought that while she just rolled her eyes after some time Flora’s guards came back. They had two more guards following them at some distance. It seemed like there was someone in between them…. But the question was who?
When they came closer, Flora stopped them with the move of her hand.
When the front two guards moved aside, They revealed a lady who was kneeling down, her clothes were same like Ash, dirty, dusty hair and her face which had lot of cuts and bruises, it seemed that as if that was a reflection of Ash.
Ash’s eyes could not believe what she just saw. She looked at Flora with her teary eyes while Flora had something in her mind.
“Let me introduce you both to one another. You have seen each other after a long time; you might have forgotten each other, “am I right?”
“You lied to me. You said she was killed by Darwin”
Hearing Ash’s voice the women looked up in a hurry.
Flora has lied to both of them.
There were million more lies which she had told them. She loved the helplessness of others….Helplessness in front of her. She was a psychopath woman.
“How much more have you hidden from me Flora? Why do you always love to see people in pain?”
The woman asked Flora helplessly.
“You both should be thankful to me that I have let the two of you know about each other’s existence”
And you my dear sister Liana
“You don’t need to tell me what I should and should not love… Be grateful to me that I didn’t kill your daughter like her other sibling,,
Flora had a teasing tone. She wanted to pretend that she had the control of both of their lives.
“You are a monster Flora “
Ash yelled at Flora for the first time in many years.
“Wow! Look who got the nerves to yell at me”
Flora came towards Ash furiously and grabbed her jaw. Her long nails were merged in her skin making the fresh blood cover her nails over her black nail paint, While Ash’s mother Liana just begged her sister to stop hurting her daughter.
At last Flora loosed her grip and said.
“Now what do you think Ash would you work for me?”
Saying this Flora picked the gun which was placed at the table in front of the couch on which she was sitting moments ago. She picked the gun and went towards her sister. She loaded the gun and took aim at Liana.
And she looked at Ash who had no emotions on her face. Flora’s finger didn’t left the trigger. Not for a second not getting a response from Ash. She pulled the trigger and Liana got a shot on her left shoulder. Flora was still aiming at Liana, knowing her sister cannot survive another shot.
“In the count of 10 Ash”
Ash was stunned; she knew what they wanted her to do. But she didn’t have the courage to do that, On the other hand her mother’s life was in danger. Flora didn’t stop the countdown.
“I am ready but I have some conditions”
Saying this Flora put the gun back to the table. She signaled her guard to free Liana and Ash.
The guards freed both of them. As Liana got freed she fell on the ground. She was losing blood which was making her weak. Ash went to her mother and held her in her embrace.
“Ash! Don’t do that…..”
Without finishing her sentence Liana fainted. Ash looked at Flora who was sitting on the couch enjoying the scene.
“First call a doctor for my mother.
I will tell you the conditions afterwards.”
Ash said with a sad and worried voice.
“Do you think? I am your servant, who will obey your every order?”
Flora said while her face which was covered with so much makeup got red making her looks terrible.
“Do you want me to work for you?”
Ash said.
“So now you will threaten me too….hmm?”
Flora said while she got up from the couch coming towards Ash,
And she again grabbed her jaw tightly.
There was a gun in her hand which was now placed on Ash’s stomach. She was about to press the trigger, but a rude voice stopped her which was coming from the elevator on the opposite side of the main entrance.
“Stop Flora!”
The man said while stepping forward.
“Get some control on your nerves…We cannot kill them now”
He got a doctor with two nurses following him while their eyes were stuck on the ground.
Ash seemed to recognize the doctor. She was one of the closest friends of her mother back then.
They took Liana to one of the rooms upstairs. Ash was about to follow them but Flora grabbed her wrist stopping her from following them. Ash turned around to face Flora with a fierceful gaze.
“Guess you are in a hurry Miss. “
Flora said.
Ash just turned her head back to have a last glance of her mother and then the door of the room in which her mother was taken shut closed.
Flora dragged Ash towards the chair which was opposite to where the man was sitting. Flora pushed her on the chair and sat next to her husband. Now Ash was facing them.
“Now would you mind explaining us the conditions you were talking about seconds ago?”
Flora said.
“First of all, You will not victimize my mother Liana, While I will be completing your work
Second and the most important when your work will be done, you have to free both of us me and my mother and have to forget that you have met us.”
Ash said confidently while her face showed no fear.
Flora looked at her husband who was having a creepy smile on his face. There was something evil going through his mind.
If he would not be there Flora had surely killed Ash.
“Fine …. We accept your condition but you have to get to work from tomorrow”
The man said while his tone didn’t even change for a moment.
“Why in such a hurry Darwin …First I think, I should sign the contract”
Ash said making the man frown. And he said.
After that Ash went to the room where Liana was taken moments ago.
She entered the room and saw her mother lying on the bed, on the same bed where she used to sing for Ash when she could not sleep years ago.
And now the room was same as before. Maybe Flora and her husband didn’t ever get their attention here.
The room was same but Ash was not….That weak and sensitive little girl was gone. Life has taught her a million of things and one of the most important thing was that if you want to survive in this world then you have to be cruel to survive its cruelty.
The next day Ash came downstairs only to find Flora and Darwin with some papers in their hands. Maybe a contract. Ash got near them, Darwin handed her the papers.
Ash took a through look on the papers. All her conditions were written there with Darwin’s signature.
Ash placed the contract on the table, Flora handed her a pen and she signed the contract. Deep down Ash also knew it was just a piece of paper for her satisfaction….The couple had always broke rules, this was just a piece of paper for them .Just when she placed the contract back to the table, A car horn was heard.
She looked towards the couple.
“The car is waiting for you”
Darwin said with his creepy smile plastered on his face.
Ash didn’t expect this hurry. She stood up and another horn was heard.
Darwin knew Ash would love to see Liana before going but even this little thing was not endured by Darwin.
“How they would be able to tolerate Liana’s presence in the house.”
Ash took a last glance of the room’s door. And she went outside.
She saw a black car. She sat inside it. She never wanted to trust Flora and Darwin in the matter of Liana.
A woman who could kill her own parents just for the sake of money, How could she tolerate Liana, why did she let her live? And now was it a wise decision to leave her beloved mother with them even after knowing their evil intentions?
Millions of thoughts ran through her mind within a couple of minutes, she was confused, terrified, confident, fearful and fearless at the same time; she wanted to save her mother at any cost. She left with no choice but to trust her evil aunt Flora.
After few moments the car stopped outside of a mental hospital.
The driver handed over a black bag to Ash as soon as she stepped out from the car.
“What is this?”
Ash asked being confused
“Boss told me to give this to you with a massage: That you might need this after the completion of the task.”
The driver replied.
Ash went inside. She went straight to the reception and asked the receptionist and inquired about room no, 376.
The lady looked up.
“What is your name girl?”
The receptionist tried to remember something
“Oh you have the appointment”,” go straight and then on the left”
She said while she again got busy in her work.
Ash followed the direction and now she was standing in front of room no. 376. She took a deep breath before knocking on the door. Because of the knock someone opened the door. A lady who had hazel eyes which resembled Liana’s eyes and her curly brown hair with her tan skin. She was wearing a yellow check shirt which was tucked in her black plazo pants. She looked like Liana.
She stepped aside to let her be inside.
Ash went inside her cabin.
“Have a seat Ash”
Ash sat on the black couch
“I think you have received the bag. Am I right?”
“Have you opened it yet?”
“No, not yet.”
“Then I think you should”
By her Aunts voice she could say, her Aunt Sage was also under the control of Flora.
Ash opened the bag; she was frightened by the things inside the bag. Well she knew she had to do such things.
There was a gun with a little bag which was full of bullets and different kinds of knives which were covered.
“Pick one Ash”
Ash looked at the bag and grabbed a knife, she looked at her Aunt
“You have to finish your work only in one night. Tonight! Understood?”
“Words Ash. Words”
“Fine ….It is better for me too……Aunt Sage”
After that Sage handed two keys to Ash.
“Room No. 378 “
Two rooms after her room. She went there with knife in her bag.
She entered the room and the first thing she noticed was the camera which was placed in the corner.
She knew Flora is waiting there with the help of this camera.
She took the knife out from her bag and then she was out of sight of camera. Suddenly the camera blacked out.
Sage knew that Ash will destroy the camera that’s why she knocked on Ash’s door after 30 minutes.
Ash opened the door. And Sage came inside and took a round of the room checking everything.
“Don’t worry they cannot see us”
Ash said.
Sage came towards Ash and hugged her.
“I really missed you”
“Me too Aunt”
After that sage handed Ash an injection.
“You know what you have to do right Ash?”
“Only in next 30 minutes”
“Best of luck”
Sage was about to step out of the room but she looked back at Ash.
She had tears in her eyes .While Ash was just telling herself that she could do it. At sharp 10 pm Ash got out of the room with her bag pack.
There was no one in the corridor.
She went upstairs where there were the rooms for patients. She again walked through the corridor. There was a sleeping guard, a good thing for her.
After a few moments she was standing in front of the last room of the corridor. Room no 606.
Taking a deep breath she opened the door with the help of the keys handed to her by Sage.
She opened the door only to see a man sleeping on the bed. She knew who he was.
He was a really dangerous criminal. His bald head and the tattoos covering his neck, there was a scar on his left eye. His existence was telling her; He could kill her in seconds.
He had been in the jail for 7 years, and got shifted here last year .As being in a Mental hospital the environment has affected him a lot. He has become a patient. Ash wanted to tell him how Flora and Darwin tortured her for 8 years, How they hurt their mother, How Flora shot Liana in front of her, How they starved her for weeks. But she could not neglect the fact that Drysten was no more her brother, He had become a criminal, and Darwin made him a criminal. They injected him drugs and got him addicted to that, So that they can use him for their advantages. Darwin used him to get occupied on everything.
He was in his deep sleep. And she should not wake him up.
Ash stepped inside and closed the door.
She took silent steps towards his bed; she bent down and got the small bag down the bed. No one really knew what was inside the bag except four people Darwin, Flora, Liana and Ash. Dryston had not been in senses since so long, Getting addicted to drugs, Being used against his own parents, Getting punished for someone else’s crimes, Being called a mental patient made him a psychopath in real. Drugs have affected him the most or it was Darwin’s mental torture, It wasn’t easy to tell.
She was about to exit the room after getting the bag but seemed to forget that the real task was not fully done yet. She took the knife out from her bag. She looked at Drysten who was sleeping and then she looked at the knife.
No… She could not be that heartless to kill someone, someone who was her real brother. Life had brought him to this stage. He had also been a victim of Darwin and Flora’s evil intentions. After all they share same blood. How could she kill her own brother. She seemed to be startled at the intentions of Aunt Flora. She couldn’t figure out that why she had been doing all the wrong to her family. She was stuck. She was looking at Dryston’s face. “ oh Dryston” my dear dryston! What has happemed to us? Why life had been so cruel to us? Why were we not allowed to live a normal life. Why we were being victimized by our own family…..?”
“no, I wont kill u my brother, how can i?” her eyes filled with tears while her hands were shaking terribly. She stood motionless for a long time. She felt that she lived and died for thousands of time in that short span of time. Time seemed to be stopped for her. But suddenly a thought shook her
“But what if Flora and Darwin got to know about that Drysten is not dead yet then”?
They would kill Liana.
The memory of her Father flashed through her mind when Flora Shooted him in front of a 10 years old Ash. She couldnot afford to lose Liana. While thinking this, she lost her grip and the knife fell down making a sound which woke Drysten up. He stood up from the bed while Ash was in shock. He looked at Ash. He was looking angry.
“He’s a psychopath! Not your brother.”
Ash whispered to herself but Drysten heard that which made him angry. He took the hockey stick which was placed next to the side table.
He attacked Ash with it.
She got hit on her shoulder, which made her fall on the ground. He again hit her with the stick making her injured.
She could not just die like this. Her death means Liana’s lifetime torture. And she could not do that.
She tried to get her bag but all in vain.
Drysten grabbed her hair and banged her head in the wall, Making her head and nose bleed badly.
She only had the knife in her access. She grabbed that and stabbed him right away in his heart, for a moment she forgot that he was her brother.
Drysten fell on the ground because of the pain.
While Ash just stood there not being able to believe what she just did.
Tears started to roll down her cheeks. She had always hated criminals but who is she right now.
A killer, A criminal.
While Ash was in shock a siren was heard indicating that she only had 5 minutes left. She could not go out from the door, she looked at the small window she grabbed her bag in which she had put the small bag. She got here. She jumped out of the window and ran towards the main door of the hospital.
When the staff came inside they were shocked to see Drysten’s dead body.
Ash then entered through the front door of the hospital like nothing ever happened.
There were some nurses in the corridor whispering about Drysten’s death, they didn’t notice Ash. She went straight to Sage’s cabin.
Ash reached there and knocked. Not receiving and response she knocked again.
Again no response was received.
Ash directly opened the door, there was no one in the room.
“Aunt Sage are you in there?”
There was silence. She knocked the door of the bathroom and again no one responded. She opened the door and was shocked to see sage’s lifelessly body hanging through the ceiling lamp. There was a stool under her body maybe she was standing on it.
Ash was frightened. This was a lot for her.
She roamed her eyes around the bathroom and found nothing.
She knew it was not a suicide. It was a murder which was done by Darwin. It was not a new thing he had applied the same trick on everyone else too, killing someone and then making it look like a suicide or accident.
She came outside of the bathroom and ran outside of hospital. This time all eyes were on her.
But she didn’t care. She just ran. When she reached outside, she saw the same car, the car in which she had come there.
But this time there was no driver in it. The car keys were placed on the roof of car.
She grabbed the keys and headed towards Darwin’s house which was once her, In which her Parents, her younger brother who was only 5 years old when Flora shoot him. Her father, her elder sisters, everyone once lived like a happy family.
But she killed them all just in front of her, took her mother away, caged Ash for years, Flora even killed her own sister sage.
Everything flashed through her mind, her grip on the steering wheel became tighter. She increased the speed of the car. Soon the car stopped in front of a house, a huge house.
Ash stepped outside and she ran towards the living room.
As soon as she stepped inside the house, A gun shot was heard. She could not believe that, her mother Liana was lying lifelessly on the floor.
While Flora had a gun in her hand, tears were flowing through her eyes knowing that she have been left alone in her family. Every one, Flora has killed everyone. Ash took slow steps towards Liana.
When she got near her dead body she collapsed. Taking her mother’s head on her lap, Ash broke down.
While Flora and Darwin enjoyed the scene.
“Oh oh … Poor little Ash is now left alone….hmm.”
Flora said in a really teasing tone.
“Or maybe she is afraid to face us”
Darwin joined Flora.
Ash was really angry then she remembered that she still have something with her.
She stood up slowly and looked in Darwin’s eyes, looking through his soul, her red eyes showed rage.
“I have something for you”
Ash said while picking up her bag. Her tone was rude.
Darwin held the Red diamond in his hand, the rarest diamond.
“perhaps you are looking for it?”
Darwin said while showing the diamond.
Saying this Ash directly threw the knife towards Darwin, because of a sudden attack Darwin got startled and was affected by the attack, the knife merged in his skin right on the spot. Ash aimed at his heart and he was lying on the floor.
Ash smiled creepyly and looked at Flora who was shocked with everything.
“What’s wrong Flora?
Maybe you are scared to face me now,,
Ash said taking steps towards her.
“Are you out of your mind Ash?”
Flora said while getting angry.
“Am I out my mind really Flora …. What was wrong with you when you killed everyone?”
Flora ignored her words and she grabbed the vase which was placed on the table beside her.
She hit the vase on the table on which the vase was placed making it broken and sharp. She was about to hit Ash with it but Ash dogged her. Ash ran towards her bag while Flora got behind her. Ash took the injection out; it was filled with the medicine which can kill her in seconds.
The thing that Ash was about to kill her Aunt made her think twice but she could not ignore the fact that Flora was the one who destroyed her family.
As soon as Ash turned back to face Flora, Flora stabbed her with the broken vase. At the same time Ash injected the medicine in her neck. Flora pulled the glass piece out of Ash’s body as she spitted blood. And both collapsed on floor.
Flora was unconscious while Ash’s vision was blurry. The last thing she saw was Liana’s dead body.
And her soul left her body.
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