Teaching is a prophetic profession and the art of how to teach with enriched content is the backbone of this prophetic profession. The new mirror of teaching is how much the students learn instead of how much the teacher teaches. A highly qualified teacher is not a good teacher if did not know how to teach. For this purpose it is important to train the new appointed teachers and for this purpose I am sitting in one of the computer labs of District Mardan for the test of Master trainer’s selection of the Induction Program. My pen is playing its role beautifully on the needs and importance of the Induction Program.
It’s good to give an example from imagination power of a content writer; It’s the example of a teacher who is M.Phil. in biotechnology and expert of the content but only teach through lecture method with no awareness of multiple intelligences because she lack the knowledge of new methodologies and educational psychology, same is the case in Assessment and classroom management. The outcome will be lack of motivation, interest and enthusiasm in her classroom. It’s the beauty of every modern classroom to be alive and energetic through the vibes of learning and individual differences. It’s important for her to get the knowledge of how to teach, so let’s leave this decision to my audience.
Induction program gives a platform of professional teaching knowledge to all these new appointed teachers to be fruitful both in skills and content. As an educationist, I can write that it is the backbone of teaching to be a master of Pedagogy with knowledge of content, so there is great need for an induction program to enrich the new appointed teachers and achieve goals with great confidence. Let’s bring the knowledge of highly qualified and trained teachers to the same tables and further polish them for the prophetic profession of teaching.
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