Year 21, on 7th July Punjab government opened first ever Transgender School in Pakistan, district Multan. This task feels me to pen down my responsibility as scholar and researcher. It’s good to witness the most vulnerable group of population started to be educated; I do appreciate this act by the Government of Punjab.
Punjab education minister Murad Rass vows to open schools for transgender in all districts of Punjab, future plan. Government opposed the idea of enrolling transgender in regular schools in fear of behavior from other students.
All forms of discrimination can create environment where people feel disrespect, excluded and potentially unsafe. In the post secondary environment, discrimination creates barriers to full participation which may hinder the success of students.
No doubt. It’s a fine step, a change towards education for all agenda, but we have to reconsider it deeply this action either it’s Education for All (EFA) or are we promoting discriminatory education. When we accept EFA than all schools for all population should become functional under such government who is in favor of a change. Like general population Tran’s population should have the right to choose the institution for girl education, boys or Trans schools In Sha Allah. It’s very tragic reality of our state where most families’ don’t accept transgender people. They throw out of their homes. A strong commitment is required to change our logos and to transform into growth mindsets with lot of acceptance as ingredient to include the whole community to accept the phenomenon of diversity.
Pakistan parliament recognized the transgender in 2018, given such individuals fundamental rights such as the facility to vote and choose their gender on official documents.
Allah almighty has fashioned us under his inclusionary blessings in this inclusive planet. But, unhappily we are building our own walls of fear against the inclusive phenomena. Today we have launched a new stream of segregated school system and sheltered camp to educate Tran’s population.
Although, we previously stay unsuccessful to include special needs in the regular settings, are we confident enough to develop another discriminatory setup in society and expecting the inclusive attitudes. As scholar my serious concerns are, After completion of their education are we ready to bear the workplace barrier or would we develop the separate workplace for them to become active and responsible member of community, are we sharing the burden of our country or by delivering our duties or becoming a source to increase it, …
To earn and support family it is a right of every citizen, would we are not recognizing many behavioral outcomes learning in segregated environment, what about the esteem and confidence level to live a better life and work inclusively in the society would remain same or improve after leaving their segregated environment. Feeling of loneliness and acceptance would be same while entering professional life! Might be their journey ends on the same point as started from,,,
acceptance is not a tool, a degree or a certificate which one can get easily after investing some amount of money, enrolling in any institute .it’s a part of human behavior, its human logo .it’s realistic approach someone owns and give to other?
To develop and create such human logo in our society needs only courage which comes after defeating fear. With fear logo how can u establish, accomplish any goal in life or wish an inclusive society!
Behavior Training is time taking process, and its necessary to survive in society with constructive human logo and its only earn through early years attention and training. A child is easily trained in early days or small age for whatever you need him to turn out to be.
Being a Muslim and living in Islamic country we all know very well that Islamic teachings are all based upon inclusivity but we are neglecting it seriously.
It’s very important to train our child to accept others to accept him through our actions. A child learn acceptance from his family and parental actions. What would happen when a child will accept someone it means he has accepted Allah Almighty as his creator because this value is of our creator “to accept all”, regardless of judging his doings and personality. The almighty showers all his blessing upon every living and non-living without any discrimination!
Commencing the economical point of view, consumption of already learning setup for this purpose is more inexpensive or either setting a new one is more reasonable! It’s something beyond my thoughts… Transgender under the inclusive staff and within inclusive settings would turn into more confident, responsible, independent and realistic learners and human beings.
The first step in the accommodation process is recognizing when a student’s requires accommodation. In reality, boards can expect a process that is not anywhere close to being simple and straight forward.
Policies should be enacted and implemented on their own accord; it is unacceptable to choose to remain unaware, ignore or fail to address potential or actual human needs and rights violations, whether or not a complaint is made.
When developing policies and procedures for accommodating Tran’s students, I recommend few suggestions:
1. Develop flexible policies while keeping in mind that each student is unique with different needs.
2. If possible, provide education and training to staff that specifically dealing on the discrimination that trans students can face
3. Ensure that each school has an explicit code of conduct for students, which expressly prohibits harassment and gender discriminations on the basis of a student’s actual or perceived gender identity or expression.
4. A Tran’s student may not vocalize their gender diversity, but for these issues the schools should be proactive in their dealing rather than reactive.
Things need adjustment, planning and proper policies with implementation under determined work personnel.
Fear is temporary wall, Regrets are forever.
It’s my humble request from @Dr.Murad Rass (education minister of Punjab).Do follow the visualization of your visionary leader that “fear will never make you succeed”.
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